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"Learn How to Fight Quickly and Easily
with the Brutal, No B.S. Street-fighting Tactics of an Ex-biker and Street Fighter that will Smash and Humiliate any Low-life Scumbag that Dares to Threaten Your Life!”
Toutsurlesabdos.com - French Version Of Truth About Six Pack Abs
Toutsurlesabdos.com - French Version Of Truth About Six Pack Abs
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Conseils pour la Perte De Graisse
Conseils pour la Perte De Graisse
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Brilliant Yoga
Watch This Short, Shocking Video Presentation And Discover 2 Absurd Metabolism-Boosting Weight Loss Secrets For Decreased Body Fat, A Sexy Rear End, And A Firm Toned Body...
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Oportunidad! Nuevo Curso Yoga 100% Espanol - Hd (view mobile)
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Descubre los TRES Pilares del Yoga, que TIENES que integrar a tu Práctica, si quieres obtener el MÁXIMO BENEFICIO que buscas, en el MENOR TIEMPO posible.
Tanto si quieres aliviar un dolor, tonificar tu cuerpo, ganar elasticidad, aumentar tu energía, conseguir el equilibrio entre mente y cuerpo, o cualquier otro beneficio que busques en el Yoga, estos Tres Pilares te acortarán el camino y te ayudarán a evitar posibles lesiones
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Shapeshifter Yoga
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"A 'scientific' yoga teacher transformed me from 'yoga-hating' fitness trainer
to 'flexibility guru' — and showed me the millennia-old secrets YOU can use to feelyounger, stress-free, flexible and even SLIMMER (WITHOUT chanting a single 'omm')"
How science-based yoga will give you back the energy, pain-free movement and carefree playfulness of your youth — in as little as 28 days!
An important article by Adam Steer
Adecade ago, if you told me I'd be using yoga in my training I'd have punched you in the nose. […ok, maybe not… but I would not have been amused…]
Yep, I used to be a yoga-hater. And I still wouldn't consider myself a "yoga guy". But I've taught "yoga" classes. And I include yoga-inspired movements in all the fitness programs I write for my clients.
So how did I become a believer?
It all started in 1999. I was teaching a workshop in Singapore. After a mammoth 24 hour trip from Quebec City, I was achy, tired and stiff.
Looking back, I guess that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I looked like I was in great shape on the outside….
But the truth…! I felt like crap! I was tired of waking up with aches and pains every morning. And I was frustrated — I couldn't even raise my right arm above my head!
"I was tired of aches and pains…!"
Even sitting was a problem. Yeah, can you imagine??? When I got down on the floor with my legs stretched out, I couldn't sit with a straight back. I had to lean and support myself on my arms.
"I had NO energy…"
And I was so sick of feeling lethargic every afternoon. I drank cup after cup of industrial strength coffee just to get through my day. But the thing that bugged me most…
"I was wound up like an elastic band waiting to snap
— but I HATED stretching"
I was an injury waiting to happen. Stuff I could do with EASE only a few years ago became more and more difficult — and painful.
"I used to be tied up in knots!"
I suffered from a long string of small injuries. And ALL of them were set off by what would normally be "safe" movements — grabbing grocery bags from the trunk, picking up my nephew, or even getting up too fast from the couch.
The smallest things caused me pain and discomfort.
I was obviously at a breaking point.
I knew I should stretch. Or something…
I wanted to start taking care of my body. But I didn't follow through. Why?
"I just hated 'stretching'…"
In hindsight, I think it's because I found stretching so darned boring! I'd add some flexibility and deep tissue work into my program, and then let it drop…
"This flexibility method makes you WANT to take the time…"
"I had the time…"
It's not like I didn't have the TIME to stretch. I was working out almost 10 hours per week. I had time to watch a bunch of stupid shows on TV. But I still wasn't including the stuff that would actually make me feel better.
"Then something changed…"
Lucky for me, something changed in Singapore. Like I said, I was there giving a workshop. And my co-presenter was a longtime friend, Kris Fondran.
Years before, Kris told me she was deep into the practice of yoga.
I'd never been big on yoga […I'm just being polite… I thought it was stupid], so I didn't pay much attention.
But I felt so crappy back then, I was ready to try anything. This seemed like a golden opportunity. Here I was, hanging out with a world-class yoga teacher!
And now I can tell you that there IS such a thing as FUNflexibility. Using it has improved my life in so many ways…
You CAN feel younger — by a decade — in only 28 days
Fast forward just 4 weeks… Wow! It was like I shaved off a decade worth of aging in only a month!
Can you imagine what that feels like? A month from now, the aches and pains you feel today are practically a thing of the past. Your energy levels are twice what they are right now. And you feel confident and more powerful in every movement you make.
That's what it was like for me.
My shoulder wasn't completely healed. It's not like I was going around walking on my hands or anything. But I WASable to raise my arm straight up over my head without pain!
I wasn't able to fold myself in two. But I COULD sit on the floor with my legs stretched out and my back straight. I didn't have to lean back and support myself on my arms anymore.
And I wasn't living in fear. Picking up boxes from the floor didn't worry me. I wasn't scared of "tweaking" something every time I jumped up out of a chair.
It didn't happen all at once, though. It just kind of "crept up" on me. Until one day, while I was dragging the trash out to the curb, I realized…
I FEEL GREAT! I seriously felt better than I had in the past 10 years. I could hardly believe it.
But the disappearing aches and pains were only a small part of what I realized that day…
THIS is what doubling your energy FEELS like…
At first, I didn't really make the connection…
It's kinda like watching a loved one grow older. You don't notice from day to day. But when you look at an old photo of the person, you suddenly realize how much he or she has changed.
I'd been following Kris's plan, but I guess I was just on auto-pilot — hoping it would work. It's only when I started trying to figure out why I felt so much better that I clued in. The yoga routine was working!
And that's when I made another amazing discovery. I had WAY more energy than I did just a month before. Without even realizing it, I was no longer having those afternoon crashes.
I was SLEEPING better at night too. And my energy was steady throughout the day.
It's almost like I'd been living in a ZOMBIE state before. And I was finally AWAKE again!
It makes a lot of sense. A 2004 study published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback demonstrated significant improvement in sleep quality among "insomniacs" who added a simple yoga practice to their daily routine.
And in a 2011 Japanese study, women who practiced yoga scored better on something called the Profile of Mood States questionnaire. They had lower fatigue, tension, anxiety and mental disturbance than women who didn't practice yoga. They also had a higher "vigor" score.
Finally a CURE for your "energy drain"
We live in an "exhausted" society. And I'm sure you've had first hand experience with the ever present "energy drain" of modern life. What a relief it is to learn that a simple physical practice can give such an amazing energy boost. And not just a temporary jolt, but permanent improvement.
When I looked at the science, I found a lot of good reasons to start doing yoga. It goes so far beyond that initial "flexibility" I was looking for.
I'm so glad I asked Kris for help. But to be honest, it almost never happened…
How a dumb false belief almost left me in
pain and discomfort — permanently
It's true. I almost passed up my chance to work with Kris. If you're like me, maybe you would too. Are you jaded by the pajama-clad nonsense associated with yoga? I sure was…
I'm pretty sure if it had been ANYONE else, I'd have taken a pass…
To understand why, you need to know a little more about Kris.
She may be devoted to yoga, but she's so much more than that.
To start with, she's got a post graduate degree in Exercise Physiology. And get this… She actually did her Masters Thesis on the benefits of yoga — studying the same routine she later used to develop her own unique teaching approach.
Kris is also a former athlete and a talented coach. She comes from a figure skating background. And she still coaches young skaters and hockey players to excel at their sport.
She's even been a competitive marathon runner. She understands the cause-and-effect relationship between training and results.
Hearing Kris talk about yoga in such a NO-nonsense way was like a breath of fresh air. I'd finally found someone who could explain this stuff from a SCIENTIFIC perspective.
Yeah, she hinted at some of the spiritual benefits she tapped into, but she talked to me about the physical practiceof yoga. And that's something I could relate to.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Weight Loss Facts:
Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.
Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.
Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.
You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.
What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?
Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below...
Old School New Body
5 Steps To Looking 10 Years Younger
By Steve & Becky Holman
Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 35 lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat? That means you not only lose the only thing on your body that creates shape, tone, and strength—you also gain more fat every year, even if your calories stay the same.
Did you know that all of this is reversible at any age? That there are specific ways to move, eat, and think that tell your brain to STOP this rapid aging process... and even SLOW IT DOWN to the point where you're aging less than a year for every year? That means you can look younger at 40 than you do at 35... or if you're like Becky and I, younger at 50+ than we did at 40!
This is not fantasy talk. This does not require a boatload of anti-aging drugs, supplements, or gimmicks. And, this works for anyone, male or female, and works at any age. 35, 45, 55, 65, 75... you name it. The biology is exactly the same.
My years as editor-in-chief at Iron Man Magazine have allowed me to peer into the secret routines of the anti-aging experts. Over the years, both Becky and I have picked up SO many tips, tricks, and strategies that have allowed us to literally reverse the aging process, at least from a cellular level. That means our body's look, feel, and MOVE younger than our chronological age.
We've taught this System to countless men and women over the years, and it always begins with these 5 key principles you must apply in order to STOP the rapid onset of aging that's going on right now, reverse it, and begin "aging backwards" by restoring your body's natural youth hormones.
That said, we have to warn you: What you are about to hear may go against all the conventional diet and exercise advice you've been hearing. That's because the world has, to be utterly frank, gone soft! "Core training", hot yoga, spin classes, tai chí all of these are just fine, but they won't slow your aging, and they certainly will never shape your muscles or burn off stubborn body fat. No way!
These 5 steps reveal the things you absolutey MUST AVOID if you want to slow the aging process, reclaim your health, and achieve your ideal body.
What you need is a splash of cold water, a touch of Old School, and the honest truth. Sound good? Let's dive
Click Here!Fat Burning Furnace
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The weight loss presentation on this page will show you how I lost pounds and pounds of stubborn fat, and serious inches off my waist in less than an hour a week, while my wife lost even more than I did, and several dress sizes while enjoying yummy fat burning foods throughout the day! You'll be pleased to know this isn't any type of gimmick... these are REAL techniques with healthy nutrition that fights your junk food cravings, unique brief full-body moves that ignite your body's natural fat burning abilities, and the lifestyle and mindset tricks you need to stay lean, strong and healthy for life. You're going to want to watch the entire presentation to see exactly how we made our inspirational transformations, how thousands are simply copying our plan, and how you can do the same. Don't forget! Watch the entire presentation, because you will be surprised!
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The weight loss presentation on this page will show you how I lost pounds and pounds of stubborn fat, and serious inches off my waist in less than an hour a week, while my wife lost even more than I did, and several dress sizes while enjoying yummy fat burning foods throughout the day! You'll be pleased to know this isn't any type of gimmick... these are REAL techniques with healthy nutrition that fights your junk food cravings, unique brief full-body moves that ignite your body's natural fat burning abilities, and the lifestyle and mindset tricks you need to stay lean, strong and healthy for life. You're going to want to watch the entire presentation to see exactly how we made our inspirational transformations, how thousands are simply copying our plan, and how you can do the same. Don't forget! Watch the entire presentation, because you will be surprised!
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The Diet Solution Program (view mobile)
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*The testimonials posted below are not extreme cases nor can we claim that they are all “typical”. For those who wish and allow us, we are happy to display their accomplishments. Some of the testimonials have been condensed (we sometimes receive long letters), but the results have never been altered in any way, fashion or form. We are very proud of what the Diet Solution has done for many people and we hope you are too.
The Fat Loss Factor : Guaranteed Highest Converting Front End On CB
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In this short weight loss presentation I will teach you a somewhat unusual weight loss strategy that can help you get a flatter belly in under 7 days, while still enjoying the foods you love. This is the first tip that I always teach my patients here in Fishers, IN. And is the same tip that helped one of my patients whom I'm most proud of, (Lori) lose 2 inches from her belly, lose 8 lbs in only 9 days, lose 2 inches from each thigh, lose ¾ of an inch from each arm, and drop 3 dress sizes (At the age of 30, she now wears a smaller dress than she did in high school!).
Lori ultimately lost 90 pounds and I'll share with you 1 tip that helped her get there. I can't leave this video up for long, so be sure to watch it from beginning to end while it's still here. Please note: If you leave the page and come back, the video will automatically restart at the beginning.
quit trichotillomania
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After Years Of Struggling With My Trichotillomania Compulsion… Here Is The 1 Secret That Completely Annihilated My Hair Pulling Compulsion Permanently…
Dear Reader:
I am writing this letter for two reasons….
1. To let others suffering from trichotillomania or trichophagia know that there is real help that does’nt require expensive therapies or dangerous medications.
2.To share with you my personal story of how I was able to recover from the vicious illness, and hopefully inspire you to do the same.
The secret to getting rid of your trichotillomania isn’t to by using will power… it isn’t by taking dangerous drugs or trying some kind of weird hypnosis I see people selling online…
Most people try these things and wonder why their trich wont go away.
But I was able to get rid of my trichotillomania almost instantly, once I used these three simple steps.
So how did I do it?
Well for the record, I’m actually a pretty regular girl.. You know, I’m not a doctor,
So how did I go from being anxious all of the time and plucking hairs from my head every day…To feeling at ease and pull free?
Well, let me start of by saying that I know that YOU want to be pull free too, but what do most people do? They put off getting rid of their trich or just use the wrong approach.
Sure once and a while you’ll have a little luck and quit pulling for a couple weeks.
But then, it comes back.
In fact, most people give up. And settle with having bald patches and living a life of anxiety.
How to detox at home
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Over 50 Remedies to Ease Your Problems,
Over 50 Remedies to Ease Your Problems,
5 Specific Proven Strategies to Detox Faster
7 Simple Steps to Successfully Withdraw at Home
There have been incredible advancements made in medical detox over the past few years by a few medical detoxs and doctors in the United states.
The video above reveals a couple of these findings and why some experience more intense withdrawal symptoms while others coast through their detox. It also mentions some of the steps you need to take to alleviate your withdrawal.
The video also describe a more advanced at-home-withdrawal program designed based on the discoveries made by a top medical detox in the United States that regularly wean their clients off very high dosages of methadone, benzos and other pharmaceuticals in record time.
For example, they’ll regularly detox someone on over 100mg of methadone in less than 10 to 14 days without the heavy use of other drugs, experiencing the equivalent of mild symptoms of the flue. Their clients leave their centers off all addictive drugs.
Most drug problems come with mental and emotional triggers and we have strategies to deal with those issues as well. Any At Home program would of course take longer but, you could detox safely without worrying and begin feeling better every week, you just have to keep doing our program!
Imagine having expert reassurances while gradually coming off drugs or alcohol. Everyone who’s detoxing wants to know they can make it.
The advanced At-Home-Drug-Withdrawal Program was created so you can apply their strategy and achieve a more comfortable and safer detox at home.
Easyquit System
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If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can't face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don't just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you - YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; "quitting smoking is difficult right?"WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don't know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don't know how to do it - but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking - cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using "will-power" OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict
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"How to Survive a Relationship
with an Alcoholic or Drug Addict"
Are you married to ... or in a relationship with an alcoholic or drug addict? Have you reached your wits end as to what you can do to help the alcoholic/addict you love to overcome their addiction? Do you wonder how to cope amidst the chaos you now find yourself in?The reality is that being involved with someone struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction is one of the most difficult and painful things imaginable to deal with. You've watched the person you once fell in love with destroy themselves with alcohol or drugs ...
Maybe their self-destruction is still in the early stages and you're hopeful that with the right support you can help them find a way out. Or maybe their addiction has gotten progressively worse over a number of years now ... and every possible thing you've tried (pleading, threatening, cajoling) has ultimately proved futile.
So what now?
You've done everything you can, yet nothing seems to change. But not only are you watching the person you love deteriorate further into a life of addiction - you (and critically if you have children) are being drawn deeper and deeper into all the negativity and destruction that accompanies being involved with an alcoholic or drug addict.
Maybe their self-destruction is still in the early stages and you're hopeful that with the right support you can help them find a way out. Or maybe their addiction has gotten progressively worse over a number of years now ... and every possible thing you've tried (pleading, threatening, cajoling) has ultimately proved futile.
So what now?
You've done everything you can, yet nothing seems to change. But not only are you watching the person you love deteriorate further into a life of addiction - you (and critically if you have children) are being drawn deeper and deeper into all the negativity and destruction that accompanies being involved with an alcoholic or drug addict.
Challenges of Being In A Relationship With An Addict
- Anger and resentment impede your ability to have a healthy relationship.
- Children are ultimately the one's most badly affected by what's happening.
- Promises to quit mean nothing. Action is what counts.
You're no doubt reading this because you're at a loss as to what else you can do. On a good day, the alcoholic or drug addict you care so much about shows immense remorse for their actions and promises that they'll quit drinking or using drugs.But by now you've learnt better and realise that those promises never amount to anything ...
On a bad day you wonder how it ever got to this and if the insanity, pain and frustration that accompanies being in a relationship with someone you love struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction will ever end ...
The problem is for all the bad days you experience, every so often a good one will appear out of nowhere, and you'll be reminded of the loving, caring and considerate person you fell in love with.
So you cling onto that feeling - and when all the negativity and pain start again you hold onto the belief that things will one day change.
Days pass ... and the days turn into months ... and the months turn into years. But nothing has changed. At least not for the better. Things have just gotten progessively worse.
Being in love with an alcoholic or drug addict is an emotional roller-coaster. The promise your relationship held when you first got together is turning into a distant memory, if it hasn't done so already. You wish things could be different but are at a loss as to what further you can do to make a difference.
When I started the website my intention was to help others struggling with their own addictions because I'd been through my own drug and alcohol problems - and understand what it takes to recover from addiction successfully.
But as the website grew, something unexpected started becoming very apparent ...
It wasn't those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction themselves searching for answers to their problems - nearly as much as loved one's and family members like you, who were looking for information on how to help and deal with someone they care about battling with addiction.
I certainly didn't expect that to be the case, and it made me realise that there is very little information out there specifically designed to help loved one's and family members of alcoholics and drug addicts deal with the situation they find themselves in.
And I think due to the fact that we've started catering for this need and trying to help people like you better understand and cope with the challenge of being in a relationship with an addict, that we've grown so rapidly and now reach so many people all over the world.
Now I'm not going to lie to you and promise you some magical cure to the challenges and problems you face ...
But I do think through the experience I've gained in helping and advising others like you what they can do to improve their lives and better deal with the challenges of being in a relationship with an addict/alcoholic - your life has the potential to take on a whole new direction from this point.
On a bad day you wonder how it ever got to this and if the insanity, pain and frustration that accompanies being in a relationship with someone you love struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction will ever end ...
The problem is for all the bad days you experience, every so often a good one will appear out of nowhere, and you'll be reminded of the loving, caring and considerate person you fell in love with.
So you cling onto that feeling - and when all the negativity and pain start again you hold onto the belief that things will one day change.
Days pass ... and the days turn into months ... and the months turn into years. But nothing has changed. At least not for the better. Things have just gotten progessively worse.
Being in love with an alcoholic or drug addict is an emotional roller-coaster. The promise your relationship held when you first got together is turning into a distant memory, if it hasn't done so already. You wish things could be different but are at a loss as to what further you can do to make a difference.
Time For Answers
My name is CP Lehmann. I'm the editor and owner of the website www.alcoholism-and-drug-addiction-help.com.When I started the website my intention was to help others struggling with their own addictions because I'd been through my own drug and alcohol problems - and understand what it takes to recover from addiction successfully.
But as the website grew, something unexpected started becoming very apparent ...
It wasn't those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction themselves searching for answers to their problems - nearly as much as loved one's and family members like you, who were looking for information on how to help and deal with someone they care about battling with addiction.
I certainly didn't expect that to be the case, and it made me realise that there is very little information out there specifically designed to help loved one's and family members of alcoholics and drug addicts deal with the situation they find themselves in.
And I think due to the fact that we've started catering for this need and trying to help people like you better understand and cope with the challenge of being in a relationship with an addict, that we've grown so rapidly and now reach so many people all over the world.
Now I'm not going to lie to you and promise you some magical cure to the challenges and problems you face ...
But I do think through the experience I've gained in helping and advising others like you what they can do to improve their lives and better deal with the challenges of being in a relationship with an addict/alcoholic - your life has the potential to take on a whole new direction from this point.
- Children of alcoholics or addicts are four times more likely to end up with an addiction themselves.
- 3 in 10 adults drink at levels that put them at risk of developing alcoholism, liver disease and other related problems.
- Alcohol abuse or drinking to excess causes over 80,000 deaths a year in the US alone.
Learning To Live Life On Your Terms Again
There are some crucial things you need to know if you're ever going to survive being in a relationship with a drug addict or alcoholic. Because understand this, nothing will change if you don't change and start to do things differently.So if things are ever going to improve, it's up to you make it happen and not wait for your addicted partner to miraculously undergo a massive transformation. But what do you do and where do you start? That's where I can help you ...
I've condensed all the knowledge I've gained over the years helping others deal with an alcoholic or drug addicted spouse or partner into a book called: "Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict: How To Survive a Relationship With an Alcoholic or Drug Addict."
It will teach you the essentials to getting your life back on track and how to find happiness again ... as well as other important principles that are essential when dealing with someone you love suffering with alcoholism or drug addiction. These include:
I've condensed all the knowledge I've gained over the years helping others deal with an alcoholic or drug addicted spouse or partner into a book called: "Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict: How To Survive a Relationship With an Alcoholic or Drug Addict."
It will teach you the essentials to getting your life back on track and how to find happiness again ... as well as other important principles that are essential when dealing with someone you love suffering with alcoholism or drug addiction. These include:
Stop Compulsive Skin Picking
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Some facts you're about to learn about picking... and why you shouldn't even think about stopping with therapy or medication, until you read every word of this letter!
How long have you had this embarrassing and extremely painful picking compulsion? You have probably tried to stop with will power... maybe even therapy... but have not had much success with these traditional methods.
Most of the websites I see are filled with symptoms of picking, but no one really tells you an effective and proven way to stop without spending hundreds on therapy... They tell you symptoms like...
The dangerous part about picking is that it actually becomes addicting.Common symptoms include...1. Obsessive picking that results in permanent damage to skin...
2. A sharp increase in tension right before you begin picking.
3. An immediate sense of pleasure when finished picking.
4. Extreme distress in your social life, job, and almost every area of your life is affected by this condition.
Some people don't even notice or know when they are picking...
Serious picking compulsion is a medical condition... it is not easily stopped with common practices.
Picking is classified as a compulsive behavior. This means that you probably feel an overwhelming urge to pick, even when consciously you know you shouldn't.
What Are Secondary Symptoms Of Picking?
- Other common symptoms of picking include nail biting, high levels of anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts.
- Most picking sufferers have embarrassment, frustration, shame, and depression about the condition... plus most people never want to share this condition with anyone, which makes it very difficult to get others to help you.
- Denial of the condition is very common.
- A bowel infection can be caused if the scabs that are pulled are eaten on a consistent basis.
Why Do You Pick Consistently?
Picking sufferers have developed what psychologists call "secondary gain." You unconsciously have a secondary gain for picking. Some female sufferers even do it to sabotage their success with men because they do not like being hit on by the opposite sex.
What you must realize is that absolutely everything you do is out of a need to gain pleasure and avoid pain.
Your brain is wired to do this, it is your basic survival instinct to move towards pleasure and move away from pain.
Your brain always has a positive intent... even if it is picking uncontrollably.
This information is going to be extremely useful in treating your compulsive picking.
So How Do We Reprogram Your Brain To Associate Massive Pain To Picking And Extreme Immediate Pleasure To Not Picking?
You might be saying "big deal... who cares if I associate or "condition" my brain to unconsciously link in my nervous system pain to picking and pleasure to not picking?".
When you actually do this as I will show you, stopping your picking symptoms will be automatic. Because the unconscious self sabotage will stop. Remember, everything your brain does, especially unconscious behavior is done out of subconscious associations and beliefs.
Why Are Picking Compulsions Sometimes Passed Down In Families?
Picking is simply a way for you to get rid of nervous energy... otherwise known as anxiety. Some people watch sports to get rid of their anxiety, some people workout, some people have OCD rituals, others bite their nails, some have panic attacks as they have no avenue to release their energy, and others pull out their hair.
The reason picking is often seen in more than one member of a family is because emotions are contagious among anyone you spend your time around. Parents often pass on their most common emotional patterns to other family members... thus creating anxiety. And the worst part is the anxiety "coping" strategy of picking is also adopted by other members of the family either consciously or unconsciously.
How Do You Stop Picking For Good?
That is what I have spent years of research on and finally thanks to the power of the internet I'm able to bring you an affordable and immediate solution to your picking problem.
There are 3 main steps in the strategy that I teach that is absolutely guaranteed to work in stopping even the most serious picking conditions.
Best of all the strategy I'm about to share with you can be done in the comfort of your home... no one has to know about your embarrassing compulsion any longer...You're about to learn the most effective underground strategy that guarantees you stop all your picking compulsions.
How can I guarantee this?
For the past 2 years I dug deep into this topic of compulsive picking and I've finally put together a brand new video that reveals the most effective technique there is to stop your picking compulsions... permanently.
You will get this straight forward video that holds you by the hand and walks you step by step...
All you have to do is hit play and follow along.
Now I have to warn you...
This Technique Is Unlike Anything Else You Have Tried Before...
This is not something a therapist would tell you to do... simply because they get paid by the hour, and how will they feed their family if they can just show you how to stop in under 45 minutes... that's if they even knew this underground technique to begin with...
I have nothing against therapists... they are very beneficial under some circumstances, but I figured out a system that teaches you to completely erase any urges and compulsions you may currently be feeling to pick... and quickly.
How will you feel if you can completely eliminate all of your picking compulsions, so you canmove on with your life and forget about this stupid compulsion?
It's Not Your Fault...
You may have been told inaccurate and ineffective information on how to stop picking compulsions...
That's why I developed a simple course that guarantees to stop all of your picking compulsions... and here's the best part, you have absolutely no risk.
What if I told you just 45 minutes from now your picking compulsions could be permanently gone? Hard to believe isn't it? But, it's true.
Three Reasons To Believe Me When I Tell You: You're Only Moments Away From Terminating Any Urges and Compulsions To Pick...
1. Over 400 People have stopped their picking compulsions with this technique.
2. I guarantee you will stop picking after applying the simple strategy or else you get to keep my entire course for free.
3. Because of my bold "If you don't stop your picking compulsions you get all of your money back" guarantee.
Here's a list of everything you get, I make it so easy to stop your picking compulsions I'm practically doing it for you... all you have to do is press play and follow along... I've put in months upon months of hard work... researching, testing different methods, in order to bring you the one technique that guarantees you remove your picking symptoms permanently... so you can finally forget about your embarrassing symptoms and move on with your life...
Introducing The Stop Picking Secrets Video...
- The only video of its kind because it deals with the cause and not the effect...which means to you that you will end this habit permanently and without having to struggle consciously to stop picking. Which really means to you that no longer will you have this embarrassing disease stop you from enjoying life. The reason I say that is because the number one thing my clients say is that they are glad to get this habit out of their life so they can finally move on.
- You get a completely free look at this course... What's great about this course is that it is 100% guaranteed. Because I am that sure that it works I will even let you keep everything just for trying it out. That means that you have zero risk... You are just moments away from never picking again. I speak with confidence because of the results this technique produces. This is a simple technique that works.
- The last stop picking website you will ever need to visit because I looked around and I cannot find anyone else who will teach you to stop your picking symptoms permanently and in under 45 minutes. What that means to you is that unlike other people who spend months and hundreds if not thousands of dollars on therapy, dermatologists, and hazardous medication, you get the one technique that guarantees you stop your picking compulsions immediately... saving you a lot of money and a lot of time. Not to mention the embarrassment you might be feeling.
- This technique flat out gets results because my main concern is not to tell you why you pick unconsciously, but to get you to stop as fast as possible, and permanently.Which means you're not going to get a bunch of theory and reasons why you might have picking compulsions, you're not going to sit on a couch and talk to yourself for years, you're not going to have to buy expensive medication.Instead you're going to get very clear step by step instructions on how to eliminate yourpicking symptoms immediately and permanently.
- Eliminate all thoughts and compulsions because this system literally reconditions your nervous system. Meaning that the thoughts and the feelings associated with picking will be completely gone. Which really means to you that you never again have to struggle with will power or any thoughts or compulsions you may have about picking. The reason I say that is because the number one concern my clients have is that they want the feelings to be gone, they are tired of trying to will power away their addictive compulsions.
- Master the system in a matter of minutes, because I don't go into detail about all of the theories that may be causing your picking. You and I just get into the technique and how to use it, to stop as fast as possible. You are just moments away from never having picking compulsions again... I say that because my two goals in designing this course have been to eliminate the feelings you have to pick and to do it as fast as possible, no multiple sessions, no medication, no dermatologists, just immediately treating your picking.
- These are the secrets you can't find anywhere else because I adapted these secrets specifically for people who suffer from compulsive picking. You are getting something engineered specifically for your needs. This is the exact system I and hundreds of others have used to permanently end picking symptoms.
- Stopping your picking compulsions couldn't be simpler. Just hit play on the video and follow along. I used all of the resources I could to make sure there is no chance you ever pick again. This is because I looked around online and I saw no one who truly makes it easy to stop picking compulsions for good.
- I challenge you to find someone else who makes it this easy to stop your picking compulsions. Because I looked all over the web and even offline resources that offer help to stop, and I have never found someone that comes even close. You are making the one and only decision you need to having healthy skin once again, even if you can't remember the last time you had it. I really went the extra mile to make sure I provide as much value as possible to someone who wants to end their picking with this simple system.
- You won't believe how many people wish they could get their hands on this information. Because there are dozens of forums, blogs, and websites that talk about how to stop picking, and honestly the advice they give never worked for me. I'm not saying it doesn't work, just didn't work for me. You are really fortunate to get your hands on this breakthrough secret that has taken me years of hard work and additional months to put together in an easy to follow format.
- Once you watch this video, you will have a feeling of freedom, confidence, and control over your life. Not only will you learn how to completely end your picking compulsions, you will also ask yourself, what else could I use this secret for? Your beliefs and your life will be improved forever, and the best thing... it was fun, and you learned a heck of a lot along the way about how your brain works.
- You are only moments away from never picking again. I made this entire program downloadable, so you get to watch this entire course immediately. No shipping costs and no waiting for it to arrive in the mail, simply press play. If you've ever watched a video on YouTube, you can also watch this video instantly online.
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