If alcohol is continuing to be a problem in your life...
"Here's the Fastest and Easiest Way To QUIT Drinking and Get Your Life Back on Track... Guaranteed!"
"On the page below, I'll give you the exact steps and specific directions I used to STOP drinking, take control of my life, and get back to being happy, healthy, and productive!
If you feel your life would be BETTER if you learned to control or even stop your drinking... this will be the most important letter you read..."
If you feel your life would be BETTER if you learned to control or even stop your drinking... this will be the most important letter you read..."
Dear Friend,
I remember the night like it happened yesterday.It was the summer of 2003 and I was on the top-deck of a famous London double-decker bus after a long night of drinking.
Without warning... I suddenly felt VERY sick to my stomach.
I raced to the bottom of the bus to get off as quickly as I could.
Unfortunately, I didn't make it and I ended up vomiting all over the bus!
I still remember the look of disgust on the faces of the passengers.
It was THE MOST Humiliating Night of My Life!
I remember waking up the next morning feeling completely ashamed and embarrassed about what happened the night before.It was at that point I realized that if I didn't stop or at least control my drinking... my life would continue to be a mess or even get worse!
The problem was, I couldn't afford to pay for expensive counseling. And I refused to go to AA because I didn't want to label myself an alcoholic.
So I went on a personal mission and spent a ton of time at the library... reading every single book I could find on how to stop drinking.
Through a lot of research and desperate searching, I was able to find 5 different experts who gave me techniques I used to quit drinking.
Through a ton of trial and error; including several relapses because of heavy peer pressure...
I Finally Figured Out How to Stop Drinking
These days, I don't feel the urge to give in to the temptations that used to overwhelm me.I've become more confident when I go to clubs or bars because I just don't have the urge to drink any longer.
I no longer worry that I can't get through a night without a drink.
I no longer spend as much money drinking, so I have more money to spend on other things
I have more energy and feel more healthy than before because I'm no longer poisoning my body with alcohol.
Even to this day, I can socialize and have fun without needing to rely on alcohol as a crutch anymore.
It's such a great feeling.
My life became SO much BETTER when I was FINALLY able to stop drinking altogether... using a few simple secrets I'd like to share with you now.
After several years of trial and error and finally figuring it out... I'm going to lay out the exact directions you need to follow if you want to quit drinking as well.
Control Your Drinking and Your Life Instantly Improves
There's no doubt that excessive drinking can lead to relationship problems, health problems, family concerns, work issues, and a lot more negative things.But when you're no longer a "slave" to alcohol, you immediately see improvements in ALL areas of your life.
Your relationships improve. Your work improves.
Your health improves. Your LIFE improves.
Something magical happens when you're able to control your drinking because now you can focus on improving other areas of your life.Maybe you want to start a new business, or find that special person you want to meet and spend your life with, or get that job promotion you've been wanting!
Believe me, you can have ALL of this in a very short time from now, even if you're just getting started.
And now that I know exactly what it takes to stop alcohol from controlling your life and having such a negative affect, you can use my advice as a shortcut to do the same exact thing.
Let Me Ask You A Few Important Questions...
Do you feel that alcohol is controlling your life right now, or at least becoming a MAJOR distraction that's starting to negatively affect everything you do?Do you feel that if you stopped drinking or at least CONTROLLED your drinking... things would be better for you?
Do you often find it tough to make it through the day without feeling you NEED a drink? Is the thought of drinking constantly on your mind?
Do you ever use drinking as a coping mechanism or a way to relax and de-stress... and it's something you seem to look forward to?
Are you starting to find that the more you drink... the LESS OFTEN your friends, family, and co-workers come around?
Do you feel that your drinking is starting to hurt the ones you love... or at least negatively affect your relationships with them?
Do You Ever Worry About How Your Partner Feels Because of Your Drinking?
Do you ever worry that your excessive drinking COULD be setting a WRONG example for your kids... that they may model and COPY your behavior?Or do you ever worry that you won't "be there" for your kids when you need to be, because of your drinking?
If you can answer "Yes" to ANY of the above... and you feel that your life would be better if you found a way to control or STOP your drinking.... then I have something just for you.
You see... over the last few years, I've taken all the information I learned and used to quit drinking... and I put them into a 206-page ebook.
Introducing "How to Give Up Alcohol"
Imagine being able to decide whether or not you want to drink... instead of feeling compelled to do it?
Imagine having the confidence that comes with being able to go out to social settings and not worry about being able to control your drinking?
Take it from me... it's an incredible feeling when you can go out to a bar, club, or other social event with your friends... and not have to worry because you KNOW you can control yourself!
Not only that, but it feels pretty good to not have to worry about waking up with headaches, nausea, hangovers, and the painful embarrassment that comes from excessive drinking.
You can also stop the potentially irreversible health damage to your liver and brain caused by heavy drinking
Best of all, you can do all of this in the privacy of your own home, without the need to go to AA or to spend thousands on counseling!
In fact, you can learn this stuff in just one day... and your relationships will improve, your health will improve, your career will improve, and your finances will improve.Here's Just a Small Sample of What You'll Learn
- Discover the MOST CRITICAL thing you HAVE to do if you want to stop drinking and take control of your life. Ignore this one thing and you'll be a slave to alcohol forever
- Learn the revolutionary Japanese psychology technique that will help you to control or quit drinking FAST!
- Find out how to use copy and model past readers who have successfully stopped drinking... so you can stop as well!
- The proven philosophy I've discovered and use to help people to stop drinking faster than ANY other method they've ever used!
- Find out what Morita Therapy is and why it can help you stop allowing alcohol to have such a control on your life.
- Discover a TON of useful tips for responsible drinking you can use so that ANY time and ANY where you go... even if there's alcohol present, you can feel confident that you won't give in to the urges
- Find out the proven method that a former alcoholic used to give up alcohol, once and for all
- Find out the easiest way to deal with alcohol cravings and the urge to drink... so you know exactly how to control them
- Learn how using Self-Hypnosis (included with this course) can help you overcome your alcohol issues faster and easier than ANYTHING ELSE you try
- Discover how you can STILL enjoy a fun and active social life, without the urge to use alcohol.
- Learn more about a method I call "Brain Fitness" and how it can actually help to REVERSE the damage caused by alcohol!
- Find out the clinically proven approach (called CBT) can help you deal with the underlying causes of you drinking and can actually help you stop drinking quicker than anything else you do!
- The powerful secret technique I used to stop my drinking in an instant. I got lucky by applying it unconsciously and now, you can learn in an instant how to change your life by quitting drinking
- Easy to use techniques to quickly take control of your drinking - when you go out, you'll never worry about going over your limit again!
- Learn how to change the habits which have kept you drinking - it's these invisible habits which you'll learn to identify and REPLACE for the first time... so you can stay in control of your drinking.
- Discover the secret technique used by heavy achievers to get themselves "in the zone" - you'll use this everyday to give you such powerful inner strength... you'll never even WANT to drink!
- How to deal with peer pressure forever! You'll never feel like you have to give in to others when they're out drinking
- The 7 Step Formula you can use to moderate your drinking - so you can choose when and how much to drink - without EVER going over your limits
- How to defeat alcohol cravings forever. You'll learn HOW cravings work to try and tempt you to drink. With this knowledge... you can learn how to resist cravings forever!
- How to have a great social life without drinking - whatever your age, location and situation! There's a whole new world of people waiting to meet you - and they don't care that you don't drink or just drink moderately! Find them now!
- Learn life-long skills you can use so that you can responsibly enjoy your favourite drinks - without going overboard.
- Find out how to develop controlled drinking skills! These will let you enjoy drinking and have fun -without ever going overboard!
- Learn how to find the causes of your drinking - and how to neutralize anything which gets in the way of you having fun when you go out drinking responsibly!
- Discover a former alcoholic's step by step method you can use to stop drinking. One of my experts turned his own life around using this same approach he will be sharing with you
Here's PROOF This Program Works...
"Controlled her Drinking in 2 Weeks!"
"I Dropped 20 lbs and look years younger!"
I have dropped 20 lbs, sleep so much better and look younger and am full of an energy. I haven't felt like this since I was a teenager....
At 51 I think that is a great gift to myself.
Harry Hagemann, Canada
Carol's been alcohol free for 2 weeks and counting!
"Hello Rahul
I have to say a big thank you for being persistent and sending me e-mails regarding the problems with drinking.
Thanks to you I have been alcohol free for over 2 weeks and really do feel the difference.In fact the other day, I had some wine left in a "box" and poured a glass to get rid of it.Well I couldn't believe the feeling I had. It was like my entire blood stream was feeling the effect of the alcohol - like a heavy feeling from the feet up and then it went to my head - this was after a couple of mouthfuls.
Needless to say the rest went down the drain and thats it for me. - No more.I have made myself the most delightful herb iced tea which is a very healthy and thirst quenching substitute."
Carol Oosthuis, South Africa
"I have been 100% dry for seven months now"
I have been 100% dry for seven months now. When I am having a moment that voice from the hypno tape comes back to me. It seems to be just enough to remind me about giving up. Must be time I started to read all of the info again just to reinforce me."
Gary Rickard, New South Wales, Australia
"I Made It 30 days Without Alcohol!"
"I found the e-book really helpful. I didn't realise I would continue to receive supportive emails from you as part of the course and these have been a great, constant reminder of what I am trying to achieve.I achieved 30 days without drinking and only really found the first week a little difficult.
I have since had a few 'social' drinks at particular get-togethers and find I am managing this well. I have decided that if I feel like I am 'slipping' back towards unacceptable levels then I will consider quitting altogether but so-far, so-good."
Kath Norton, Australia
"I Have Also Stopped Drinking For 1 Month!"
"I was drinking every weekend and felt very depressed. One morning I went onto the Internet and found your website and downloaded the first steps on what alcohol is doing to me and I got very scared of all the illnesses that come when you drink too much alcohol.I decided to stop drinking and its been 1 month and I've been feeling great about it.
I just want to thank you sooooo much for all the emails that I receive every week truly they have helped me so much!!"
Lisa, Oxnard, California, USA
"I Am Finally Making Changes With My Drinking"
Martin Paardekooper - Amberley New Zealand
"I Finally Controlled My Problem Drinking!"
"I used the course primarily as I had become sick of drinking too much on social occasions and would say i had a fairly developed alcohol problem.I used the course and abstained from January the 10th through to March the 10th.
I went to a wedding on the 10th and got drunk however (I misjudged how much alcohol would affect me after abstaining for so long).
Since then my drinking has been much more controlled and I have been able to have a few beers while out without getting absolutely drunk.
I had a dinner party this weekend and drank moderately and my wife was very pleased. I also have a baby son and it was mainly for this reason I wanted to apply some control and restraint.
I found the hypnotism mp3 very useful indeed.
I put it on my mobile phone and listened to it in bed before I went to sleep for about 3 weeks, every day. I think this was one of the main factors that helped me abstain.I felt that the course was value for money - considering I managed 2 months of abstinence and have only been very drunk once or twice since then (considering in the past it was most weekends)."
L.D. from London, England (Name withheld by request)
"I Gave Up My Binge Drinking After 20 Years"
"I am a 38 year old female who has battled with binge drinking problems for over 20 years.After starting your program and listening to the hypnosis CD, for the first time in my life I have been able to say no to an alcoholic drink.
I started the program a week before I had my birthday celebrations, Christmas, family reunion and then New Year.
I thought about starting after the New Year but then I thought there is never a good time and if I can get through this busy and social period I can conquer anything.
The night of my birthday I was on such a high because I had gone without alcohol and was so proud of myself, knowing I was going to wake up the next morning (Xmas day) without a hangover gave me the most incredible feeling. I have not been sober on my birthday for 20 years. Cheers,
Nicole - Australia
The Magic Moment When YOUR Life Changes...
How would your life be different right now if you no longer felt like a slave to alcohol?Would your love life be better? Or your relationships with your friends and family?
Would your job performance be better? How about your finances... when you're no longer spending money on booze?
Look... I can speak from personal experience... when I stopped drinking, everything just seemed better because I could enjoy it all with a clear head.
And yes, waking up without the headaches and nausea from hangovers is nice. And so is all the extra cash I have at the end of each week now!
It's also nice to no longer be worried about going out, because you're afraid that you won't be able to control yourself.
Take it from me... you can control yourself and even STOP drinking... and you can do it in just a FEW SHORT days from today.
So What's The Bottom Line?
How Much Does This Program Cost?
Well, first of all... if you were to have a session with a professional therapist to help you deal with your alcohol problems... it would cost you around $200.And since you'd have to go back a few times, you could easily spend $600 or more with a therapist.
But the truth is, you don't need counselors or therapists to help you with your alcohol problem. You don't need to check into an expensive rehab program. You don't need AA.
You don't need ANY of that because this ebook already has the detailed insight of five experts to help you QUIT drinking.
Not only that, but you can use this course right from the comfort of your own home. You don't have to go to those uncomfortable meetings where you have to stand up in front of everyone.
This means you don't have to interrupt your life and pay money for an expensive rehab program that takes you away from your family AND your job.
And the best part is... since I can offer this system to you as an ebook... I don't have to be there in person and there's no printing or shipping charges!
So This eBook is More Affordable than Any Other Option!
If you download it right now, it's yours for just a one time payment of only $127!Now, I understand that $127 can seem like a lot of money.
So I have a payment plan that will let you spread that out over 3-months, if you like.
But the truth is, look how much money you'll save when you're no longer spending so much on drinking!
Not only that, but think about the costs of future health problems you could face if you don't stop drinking.
In fact, this information can SAVE YOUR LIFE... literally.
Because there's NO doubt that long-term alcohol abuse can take years off your life due to liver complications and other health problems associated with alcohol use.And what's it worth to have better and happier relationships with the people you love? No more alienating friends, family, or other loved ones?
What price can you put on being happier and feeling better about EVERY single area of your life?
It will feel great when you realize you don't have to try to quit drinking on your own.
Now, here's a really cool part. Since this program comes in PDF ebook format, you can actually download and use it on your iPad and iPhone.
Yep, you can take it with you and read it anywhere you go, at anytime. Since all you need is the free Adobe PDF reader, you can read this ebook anywhere, on any mobile device.
ORDER NOW And Receive These 5 Gifts, Worth AT LEAST $298.97, Absolutely Free!
I'm committed to your success. I want to give you every chance to succeed with this and this is why I am throwing in these bonuses:
How to Give Up Alcohol
I got one of London's leading hypnotherapists to put this information down in a relaxing and easy to listen to audio track.You'll feel relaxed every time you listen to the hypnosis recording - You'll no need to drink to feel great.
In fact, you'll automatically and unconsciously drink less and keep to your limits! You don't even need to THINK for this to work!
Any time you feel stressed or feel like you're wanting to drink, listen to this information and you'll soon have a feeling of calm and peace which will lead you to make better decisions in your life and have a lot more happiness!
Order now and I'll also give you a report that shows you how to reverse the brain damage caused by heavy alcohol drinking:
**New Special Bonus** -- Limited Time Only!
One Month Motivational E-Mail Series($199.95 value)
That means you'll have a motivational tip and technique arriving in your email inbox each and every day for an entire MONTH!
We've all heard it takes 30 days to change a habit... so I'm including 30 days of e-mails to help you overcome your problem drinking.
Those who purchased this personalized email training separately have told me it's worth well more than the $199 I charge.
And if you order right now, it's included with this ebook!
8-Week No-Risk Unconditional
100% Money-Back Guarantee:
I've already tested and proven it by my own trial and error. And it has also worked for HUNDREDS of people who have seriously used it.
But even so, I want to eliminate all worry for you. And I'm going to do that by letting you use this program at my expense!
Go ahead and order this program right now and take a full 8 weeks to try out the techniques.
If you're not completely thrilled with what it's done for you, just ask and you'll receive a full and total refund.
Absolutely no questions asked. Period.
And since you took the time to try my program, you can keep the program AND the bonus gifts... free of charge... even if you decide to take advantage of the money-back guarantee.So You Have an Important Choice to Make
You can continue drinking the way you've been drinking... but how is that going to help you, your health, your family, your relationships, your job, or your finances?How is your relationship with your partner going to be if you don't finally get your drinking under control? Are you going to continue to put your career in jeopardy with hang-overs or poor work performance?
What kind of example are you setting to your children? How will this affect them when they're older?
Look, this is something you can do for your family... and more importantly... you can do this for yourself!
This Will Be A Life Changing Experience
And you know something... you deserve this.Give yourself permission because this really is in your best interests!
Go ahead and take the next step. Use my experience as a shortcut guide that can help you stop drinking in the fastest and easiest way possible.
Here's what to do now:
Click the link below and order with your credit card or check online and you'll be downloading the ebook and bonuses in just a minute!