After Years Of Struggling With My Trichotillomania Compulsion… Here Is The 1 Secret That Completely Annihilated My Hair Pulling Compulsion Permanently…
Dear Reader:
I am writing this letter for two reasons….
1. To let others suffering from trichotillomania or trichophagia know that there is real help that does’nt require expensive therapies or dangerous medications.
2.To share with you my personal story of how I was able to recover from the vicious illness, and hopefully inspire you to do the same.
The secret to getting rid of your trichotillomania isn’t to by using will power… it isn’t by taking dangerous drugs or trying some kind of weird hypnosis I see people selling online…
Most people try these things and wonder why their trich wont go away.
But I was able to get rid of my trichotillomania almost instantly, once I used these three simple steps.
So how did I do it?
Well for the record, I’m actually a pretty regular girl.. You know, I’m not a doctor,
So how did I go from being anxious all of the time and plucking hairs from my head every day…To feeling at ease and pull free?
Well, let me start of by saying that I know that YOU want to be pull free too, but what do most people do? They put off getting rid of their trich or just use the wrong approach.
Sure once and a while you’ll have a little luck and quit pulling for a couple weeks.
But then, it comes back.
In fact, most people give up. And settle with having bald patches and living a life of anxiety.